Friday, October 18, 2019

Shake Out

Shake Out. 

Thursday 17/10/19 , Yesterday afternoon my school and I did a shake out.

What happened was : The intercom went off saying it was an earthquake drill, everyone scurried underneath a sturdy table, we went into a turtle position and held our head.
Once we got told that we were allowed to get out from underneath the tables we got an evacuation call.
If you don't know what an evacuation call is, it means you have to hurry out of the building as soon as possible.

Once the whole school was out of the classes they all hurried out of the gates and ran up the hill.
When we are all up the hill Mrs O and Mrs Drake talked to us about what we would have to do if this was a real tsunami and earthquake.

They both finished talking so we were allowed to go down the hill.. We walked back to our classrooms and talked about what we could of improved on.