Friday, November 8, 2019

Tech Term 4.

This week my class and the rest of Totara hub walked down to the High School for technology, my tech class is called 'Gifts from the kitchen'

My class made chocolate fudge and lime jelly, next week we are going to make bath bombs and work on our painted cans for some plants to go inside. 

Do you have technology at your school?


  1. Hello Bailee
    Im Shay form yaldhurst. I like how you have added a lot of detail into this blog post. Next time you should maybe add the writing into the start of the blog post. Just so we can read it first then go onto the slide. Over all you did great.
    - Shay

    1. Hi shay!
      Thanks for the comment!
      Thank you for giving me clear feedback.
      Next time I WILL add the writing before the slide.
      - Bye for now!!! ~ Bailee


Thank-you for your positive, thought, helpful comments.