Friday, May 1, 2020

Isolation Appreciation


This week we have been doing some work around isolation. One of the activities we had to complete was ' Isolation Appreciation.' We had an option to do this so I chose to because I thought this task would be fun to write and think of some things to do. I enjoyed doing this task because It was fast and easy! What are you appreciative for during isolation? Enjoy!


  1. Hey Bailee!
    These are some great things to be grateful for in isolation! I bet you have been able to bake some delicious treats! Your dinner sounds amazing too!

    The 3 top things I am grateful for in isolation are:
    1. Getting to spend more time with Ollie.
    2. Having a nice, warm house to work in.
    3. Getting to still see most of you guys every day via Google Meet!

    What has been the hardest thing about isolation for you? Mine has definitely been having to live with a teenager 24/7 and not getting a break from her music and Tik Toks haha!
    Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi Miss Hines.

      I think the most hardest thing about isolation is having to put up with my older brother all the time and his annoying jokes.
      Also Finley and Harper, my two younger siblings always need to be watched or they get up to trouble!!


Thank-you for your positive, thought, helpful comments.