Friday, September 25, 2020

What Is A Planet?

This week we have been learning all about planets/mainly Pluto, we had many tasks to complete about Pluto and planets, one of the tasks we had to complete was writing about what a planet is. Here are some of the facts I've found on what a planet is. Enjoy!NASA Solar System Exploration

What is a planet?

A planet is a celestial body, it orbits around the sun and it has sufficient mass for itself-gravity to overcome rigid body forces, so that it assumes a hydro static equilibrium nearly round shape, and has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.

The names of all the planets:Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune.

Pluto is not under the list of all the planets.

What is Hydro static equilibrium? - In fluid mechanics, hydro static equilibrium or hydro static balance is the condition of a fluid or plastic solid when it is still/not moving. This occurs when external forces such as gravity are balanced by a pressure-gradient force and it is moving fast.

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