Friday, March 15, 2019

What I would Miss If i lived in 1896.


                                   || Term 1||Week 7 ||

For the past week my class (Totora 1) has been reading a story called'The Mines Afire!'  I really enjoyed doing this activity as writing is my favourite subject. We got  given some questions to answer about the story,one of the questions  was "What would you miss if you lived in 1896.' Here are some of the things that I would miss! 


  1. Hi Bailee

    I too would also miss transportation, what would I do without my car! I think I would miss technology and having the opportunity to see and talk with my niece and nephew in Australia. Do you think there might anything that you would enjoy about living at that time?

    Miss Power

  2. Hi Miss Power!

    If I lived in 1896 I would like having a fresh garden and I would like to go fishing with my friend and spend some time swimming with them as it said that in the book.

    Thank you for the comment..


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