Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Personal Inquiry

 For this task we had to chose a place we visited at camp and re search about it and some things like the animals. Here is my personal inquiry to show you some facts and photos about the Lochmara Lodge. I decided to write about the Lochmara Lodge because I really enjoyed being in the touch tank and touching all the starfish and seeing the little seahorse. Have you ever held a starfish before? I have! It suctioned onto my hand after a while of holding it! Enjoy!


  1. Hi Bailee

    How are you doing during this Level 4 lockdown? I hope there are some fun things happening at your house!

    This is a really interesting slide about your time away on camp at Mistletoe Bay. It sounds like you have the best time and really enjoyed it.
    The touching tank sounds like such a great thing to experience. Great photo of you holding the Star fish! What did it feel like? Did you get to touch anything else? The seahorse sounds like it must have been cute!

    Remember to check out the Totara site for lots of fun things to do during these next few weeks! I like to look of the recipes and might try the cookies myself!

    I look forward to reading some of your work and looking at some of the photos of fun things you do!

    Talk again soon!

    Mrs Costello :)

    1. Kia Ora Mrs Costello!

      I'm doing great so far, how are you ?

      The starfish felt like sand paper on the top and the bottom felt very slimy. After a while of holding it, it suctioned onto my hand!

      We also were allowed to touch the sea cucumbers which felt very slimy and jiggly.

      We did see a seahorse but we weren't allowed to hold or touch them as they get stressed very easily!

      Thank you for commenting on my blog ~ Bye for now!

      - Bailee :-)

  2. Hey Bailee, what a great piece of descriptive writing about Spotlight! You are a fabulous writer. Have you thought about entering in some creative writing competitions? You could google children's writing competitions and see what is out there.
    Can't wait to read some more of your writing.
    Mrs Gully


Thank-you for your positive, thought, helpful comments.